Krakow. Poland. Seminar “Health with Mu Yuchun”. 10-12 May, 2024.

Krakow, Poland, Seminar, Health, Mu Yuchun, May, 2024.

843 “This experience was very valuable, and the master and his team, Vladimir, Zulfiya and Natalia, were an excellent teacher. I recommend these classes to everyone looking for ways to improve their health and well-being through Chinese practices.” (c) Chinenye (Translated from Polish) This is a unique opportunity to learn directly from an acclaimed Master … Read more

Bologna. Italy. Seminar “Health and Wellbeing with Master Mu Yuchun”. 24-26 May, 2024.

Bologna, Italy, Seminar, Health, Wellbeing, Master Mu Yuchun, May, 2024.

964 “Master Mu Yuchun teaches profound knowledge, which he transmits through movements, sounds, images and philosophy coming from the Chinese tradition; a practice suitable for everyone, inspired by the movements of nature and traditional Chinese medicine, which strengthens the body, introduces traditional gymnastics and martial arts, teaches self-care through finger pressure and natural remedies… and … Read more

Puglia. Italy. Seminar “Health and Wellbeing with Master Mu Yuchun”. 31 may – 2 June, 2024.

Puglia, Italia, Seminario, Salute, Maestro Mu Yuchun, 2024.

543 “I was trying to delve deeper into the themes of Chinese medicine related to the 5 elements and Qigong and after visualizing I immediately wanted to try the exercise for intestinal regularity. Master Mu had warned that if they didn’t suffer from constipation we might have to rush to the bathroom but I was … Read more

Czech Republic. Centrum Buchov. Sеminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun”. 21-23 June, 2024.

Czech Republic, Centrum Buchov, Sеminar, Health, Master Mu Yuchun, June, 2024.

125 “My personal meeting and experience with Master Mu was powerful and magical. Like everyone else, I was looking forward to it and if I hadn’t been so indisposed, I would have enjoyed it more. My body, organs, were poisoned by chemicals, I couldn’t eat or live, so with a little strength I went to … Read more

Tatry. Slovensko. Seminár “Zdravie s Mu Yuchun”. 26. – 30. júna 2024.

Tatry, Slovakia, Seminar, Health, Master Mu Yuchun, June, 2024.

160 Praktické cvičenie pre zdravie so známym Majstrom tradičnej čínskej medicíny a bojových umení MU Yuchunom. Cvičenia pre zdravie a pohodu so slávnym majstrom tradičnej čínskej medicíny a bojových umení Mu Yuchun 穆玉春. Majster Mu Yuchun  – majster vnútorných štýlov tradičného wushu, uznávaný ako majster a učiteľ bojových umení, a doktor tradičnej čínskej medicíny. Majster … Read more

Lithuania. Seminar “Health with Mu Yuchun”. 9 – 14 April 2024.

Lithuania, Seminar, Health, Mu Yuchun, April, 2024.

1,765 Practical health exercises with the famous master of traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts Mu Yuchun and his team. The program will include: – practices for activating internal energy, – exercise for coordination of movements, – acupuncture massage, – traditional Chinese medicine – theory and practice, – massage, self -massage. The seminar will help … Read more

Bratislava, Slovensko. Seminár “Zdravie s Mu Yuchun”. 5. – 7. Apríla 2024.

Bratislava, Slovakia, Seminar, Health, Master Mu Yuchun, 2024.

1,672 Dodržiavanie Majstrových rád a návodov je to najlepšie, čo človek pre seba a svojho blízkeho môže spraviť. Ja za seba ďakujem Majstrovi a manželovi, že ma po dvoch mesiacoch zbavili 2,5 roka trvajúcich ukrutných nočných bolestí spôsobených artrózou IV. Všetci ďakujeme Majstrovi za to, že sa obetoval a miesto užívania si pokoja, stále cestuje … Read more

Запишись на курсы китайского языка и каллиграфии

курсы, китайский язык, каллиграфия, выучи китайский, Китай

4,761 Объявляем набор на курсы китайского языка! ?Школа китайского языка Международной Ассоциации традиций и культуры Китая приглашает тебя в увлекательное путешествие в мир китайского языка и каллиграфии! ? Если ты хочешь понимать китайцев, тебя интересует их культура, история, философия, медицина, искусство – учи китайский язык. Язык содержит много слов, выражений, пословиц, идиом, отражающих традиции, мировоззрение, культурные … Read more

Dresden. Germany. Seminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun“. 14-16 june, 2024.

Dresden, Germany, Seminar, Health, Master Mu Yuchun, 2024.

1,043 Practical health exercises with the famous master of traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts Mu Yuchun. These exercises develop a completely different culture of movement. Seminar participants will learn the correct structure of the body. Acquired knowledge and skills will help to remove blocks in the body, improve coordination of movements and movement goals. Date: … Read more