Seminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun”. Lviv, Ukraine, March 04-06, 2022.

health, Mu Yuchun, china, 2022

5,737 Seminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun”. The seminar is conducted by a well-known specialist in traditional Chinese medicine, martial arts master Mu Yuchun and his students. The seminar is held in the form of an intensive course. There is a lot of information. Мастер Му Юйчунь 穆玉春 Mu Yuchun Master Mu Yuchun is an … Read more

Seminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun“. 14.01. – 16.01. 2022. Berlin (Germany)

Health, Wellbeing, Mu Yuchun, July, 2021

4,720 Seminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun“. 14.01. – 16.01. 2022. Berlin (Germany). When: 14.01. – 16.01. 2022. Where: Berlin (Germany). Master Mu Yuchun. An extraordinary person. Strange character. Master Wushu old cut. Wushu possesses inner styles. Deeply understands the basics of martial arts. Familiar from childhood with the legendary masters Wushu. Owns various methods … Read more

Seminar “Health with Mu Yuchun” 14th -17th of April 2022, Slavske, Carpathians, Ukraine.

Mu Yuchun, health, seminar, Slavske, Ukraine

5,092 Seminar “Health with Mu Yuchun” 14th -17th of April 2022, Slavske, Carpathians, Ukraine. Organizer: Association of Traditions and Culture of China The seminar is conducted by an acclaimed Master of Martial Arts, and an expert in Chinese Traditional Medicine, Master Mu Yuchun. Zhen Gongfu is a tradition, which is rooted in the ancient knowledge … Read more

Seminar ‘Health with Mu Yuchun’, Slavske, Carpathians, Ukraine 7th-10th of October 2021.

Health, Wellbeing, Mu Yuchun, 2021

3,961 Seminar ‘Health with Mu Yuchun’, Slavske, Carpathians, Ukraine 7th-10th of October 2021. Organiser: Association of Traditions and Culture of China We are holding an international seminar ‘Health with Mu Yuchun’ from the 7th until the 10th of October 2021. The seminar is conducted by an acclaimed Master of Martial Arts, and an expert in … Read more

Семинар “Здоровье с Му Юйчунем”, Славское, Карпаты, Украина, 7-10 октября 2021

Health, Wellbeing, Mu Yuchun, 2021

3,406 Семинар “Здоровье с Му Юйчунем”, Славское, Карпаты, Украина, 7-10 октября 2021   Организатор мероприятия: Association of traditions and culture of China. С 7 октября по 10 октября 2021 года состоится международный семинар “Здоровье с Му Юйчунем”. Семинар проводит известный мастер боевых искусств и специалист по традиционной китайской медицине Му Юйчунь Mu Yuchun 穆玉春. В … Read more

Семинар Здоровье с Му Юйчунем. Одесса, Украина 24-29 августа, 2021

Health, Wellbeing, Mu Yuchun, August, Odessa, 2021

3,481 24-29 августа, в Одессе (Украина) состоится семинар Здоровье с Му Юйчунем. Организатор семинара Ассоциация традиций и культуры Китая. Семинар будет вести широко известный Мастер традиционной китайской медицины, оздоровительных практик Му Юйчунь Mu Yuchun 穆玉春. Большую часть семинара составляют практические упражнения, направленные на оздоровление, долголетие, укрепление всех систем организма, формирование структуры тела, накопление жизненной энергии … Read more

Health and Wellbeing with Master Mu Yuchun. 24-29 August 2021. Odessa, Ukraine

Health, Wellbeing, Mu Yuchun, August, Odessa, 2021

2,580 On August 24-29, in Odessa (Ukraine), a Health seminar with Mu Yuchun will take place. The organizer of the seminar is the Association of Traditions and Culture of China. The seminar will be conducted by a well-known Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Health and Wellness Practitioner Master Mu Yuchun 穆玉春. The seminar consists of … Read more